Version 0.14

[0.14 | December 1, 2024]

I finalized the new item system but I got distracted by, once again, revamping the damage system. Hopefully over the course of the next few updates, I’ll actually use the item framework for the main gamemode. Other than these two main things, I only optimized a few portions of code and removed some unnecessary ones.

>Added 17 Items: Blade, Bow, Bow Limb, Bowstring, Cassiery Wood, Crossguard, Flax, Handle, Linen, Long Blade, Long Handle, Osary Wood, Short Blade, and 4 Recipes (Bow, Bow Limb, Bowstring, Linen)

>Finalized the main points of the new item system that I didn’t finish last update because I was lazy

>Revamped how damage is applied to be more optimized and easier to use

>Changed critical hits to multiply total damage after everything else

>Replaced most refresh functions with a singular one to reduce redundancies

>Fixed a bug where critical hits aren’t possible when the target is themselves


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91 days ago

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